
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How To Brainwash Americans In 14 Easy Steps

Remember Fox News claiming how America found WMD's in Iraq? Only to later quietly retract it later. It's all part Brainwashing 101.

1.   Panic Mongering
2.   Character Assassination/Ad Hominem
3.   Projection/Flipping.
4.   Rewriting History.
5.   Scapegoating/Othering
6.   Conflating Violence With Power and Opposition to Violence With Weakness
7.   Bullying.
8.   Confusion.
9.   Populism.
10. Invoking the Christian God.
11. Saturation.
12. Disparaging Education.
13. Guilt by Association.
14. Diversion.

Read more on AlterNet: 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox 'News' Uses to Brainwash Americans