
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dark Age of Camelot: Sniper Scout Template

Scout Sniper Template -Nsaney
This template was built by Amurdora, thx man.

This chart was created by Hunts
Haste = casting speed and or archery speed
So if this chart is correct, which I think it is close.
If you have say 409 dex, you would need zero to casting speed to cap your bow speed...

LOKI Build Report
Class: Scout
Level: 50

Dual Wield
Item Utility: 840.1
Build Utility: 830.1
Useable Utility: 802.0
TOA Utility: 348.0
PvE Utility:  0.0

Strength: 15/75
Constitution: 98/96
Dexterity: 77/95
Quickness: 22/75
Intelligence: 0/75
Piety: 0/75
Charisma: 0/75
Empathy: 0/75
Hits: 403/400
Power: 0/25

Body: 26/26
Cold: 23/26
Heat: 29/26
Energy: 21/26
Matter: 23/26
Spirit: 25/26+5
Crush: 31/26+2
Thrust: 25/26
Slash: 31/26+3

Archery: 7/11
Stealth: 11/11
Slash: 3/11
Thrust: 3/11

Cap Increase
Constitution: 21/26
Dexterity: 20/26
Hits: 202/200

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 18/50
Casting Speed: 7/10
Spell Range: 9/10
Spell Damage: 6/10
Archery Damage: 6/10
Archery Range: 9/10
Archery Speed: 7/10
Style Damage: 2/10
Melee Damage: 4/10
Fatigue: 4/25
Resist Pierce: 10/10

Item Utility: 894.8
Build Utility: 884.8
Useable Utility: 850.0
TOA Utility: 400.0
PvE Utility:  0.0

Strength: 15/75
Constitution: 98/96
Dexterity: 102/101
Quickness: 22/75
Intelligence: 0/75
Piety: 0/75
Charisma: 0/75
Empathy: 0/75
Hits: 403/400
Power: 0/25

Body: 26/26
Cold: 26/26
Heat: 32/26
Energy: 21/26
Matter: 26/26
Spirit: 25/26+5
Crush: 31/26+2
Thrust: 25/26
Slash: 31/26+3

Archery: 11/11
Stealth: 11/11
Slash: 3/11
Thrust: 3/11

Cap Increase
Constitution: 21/26
Dexterity: 28/26
Hits: 202/200

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 18/50
Casting Speed: 11/10
Spell Range: 11/10
Spell Damage: 10/10
Archery Damage: 10/10
Archery Range: 11/10
Archery Speed: 11/10
Style Damage: 2/10
Melee Damage: 4/10
Fatigue: 4/25
Resist Pierce: 10/10

Chest (Golden Scarab Vest):
Imbue: 25.0
   Dexterity: 15
   Crush: 6%
   Thrust: 6%
   Slash: 6%
   Archery Damage: 4
   Archery Range: 4
Utility: 46.0
TOA Utility: 40.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Arms (Infernal Lamellar Sleeves):
Imbue: 27.0
   Dexterity: 21
   Constitution: 21
   Heat: 7%
   Health Regen: 30
   Melee Damage: 2
   Spell Damage: 2
   Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
   Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 40.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Head (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
   Hits: 68
   Spirit: 13%
   Constitution: 13
   Cold: 1%
   Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
Utility: 53.7
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Legs (Astral Leggings of the Leech):
Imbue: 25.0
   Strength: 15
   Constitution: 15
   Dexterity: 15
   Hits: 40
   Hits (Cap Increase): 40
   Melee Damage: 2
   Casting Speed: 2
   Spell Range: 2
   Style Damage: 2
   Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
Utility: 40.0
TOA Utility: 70.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Hands (Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves):
Imbue: 21.0
   Cold: 4%
   Heat: 4%
   Energy: 4%
   Crush: 4%
   Thrust: 4%
   Slash: 4%
   Archery Speed: 3
   Archery Range: 3
Utility: 48.0
TOA Utility: 30.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Feet (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Hits: 76
   Body: 7%
   Dexterity: 4
   Matter: 11%
   Archery: 3
Utility: 72.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Ranged (Pictslayer Longbow):
Imbue: 30.5
   Heat: 3%
   Cold: 3%
   Matter: 3%
   Casting Speed: 4
   Spell Damage: 4
   Spell Range: 2
   Dexterity: 25
   Archery: 4
   Dexterity (Cap Increase): 8
Utility: 54.7
TOA Utility: 66.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Neck (Midwinter Medal of Honor):
Imbue: 40.0
   Body: 5%
   Cold: 5%
   Heat: 5%
   Energy: 5%
   Matter: 5%
   Spirit: 5%
   Crush: 5%
   Thrust: 5%
   Slash: 5%
Utility: 90.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Astral Cloak for a Scout):
Imbue: 43.5
   Archery: 4
   Stealth: 4
   Dexterity: 22
   Quickness: 22
   Hits: 50
   Casting Speed: 2
   Resist Pierce: 5
Utility: 81.8
TOA Utility: 35.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Jewel (Tablet of Atlantis):
Imbue: 20.0
   Acuity: 15
   Hits: 40
   ALL magic skills: 3
   Armour Factor: 10
   Resist Pierce: 5
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 35.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Belt (Soulbinder's Belt):
Imbue: 46.0
   Body: 7%
   Heat: 7%
   Matter: 7%
   Energy: 7%
   Spirit: 7%
   Hits: 35
   Hits (Cap Increase): 40
   Cold: 7%
Utility: 92.8
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Ring (Drop):
Imbue: 50.5
   Constitution: 31
   Stealth: 7
   Body: 7%
   Energy: 5%
Utility: 79.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Ring (Ring of Granite Enhancement):
Imbue: 42.0
   ALL melee weapon skills: 3
   Cold: 6%
   Heat: 6%
   Crush: 6%
   Thrust: 6%
   Slash: 6%
   Hits: 50
   Hits (Cap Increase): 50
Utility: 87.5
TOA Utility: 12.5
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Snatcher):
Imbue: 12.0
   Crush: 4%
   Thrust: 4%
   Slash: 4%
   Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
   Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
   Armour Factor: 8
   Hits (Cap Increase): 40
   Fatigue: 4
Utility: 24.0
TOA Utility: 46.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist (Maleficent Darkspire Tempered Bracer):
Imbue: 27.5
   Constitution: 18
   Hits: 44
   Crush: 6%
   Constitution (Cap Increase): 6
   Hits (Cap Increase): 32
   Slash: 6%
Utility: 47.0
TOA Utility: 20.0
PvE Utility: 0.0